Exterior Painting
For your Bellevue professional exterior painting needs, you want to go with Grow Painting LLC. We do the most quality and comprehensive exterior painting in the Eastside. We believe that you should enjoy the longevity of your exterior house paint. We place our focus on not cutting any corners and really taking our time to ensure it is of the utmost quality. Everything from the thorough prepping we do all the way to us leaving every job site cleaner than what we found it. We are committed to the intentionality that we bring to every house project.
Professional Exterior Painting
The preparation process of all projects is one of the most foundational pillars to the success of every project. This is why we take this aspect of the project so seriously. Detailed and intentional preparation is the MOST important aspect of any exterior painting project. Due to the often sporadic change in climate here in the Pacific Northwest, we understand the wear and tear all house experience. To ensure the lifespan of the exterior paint on your house be the highest quality allow for us to show you Our Process:
Our Exterior Painting Process
Step 1: Pressure Washing
Step 2: Surface Protection
Step 3: Scraping
Step 4: Sanding
Step 5: Stripping
Step 6: Caulking
Step 7: Masking
Step 8: Priming
Step 9: Painting
Step 10: Clean Up
The completely focused and intentional process enables your home to last up to 10 years. This is all achieved with the preparation process before doing the exterior paint.